The Correct Answer


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★ The correct answer ★You want to know a lot of facts that you did not know before? Do you believe in the statement or doubt? True or false? Test yourself on what you can do, begin an intellectual duel!The correct answer game is surprisingly simple and very addictive. This is a game where you have to guess whether the statement is true or not. No need to read boring instructions in the game just two buttons, 20 seconds and a few lives. In the game there were a lot of different facts, mysteries and paradoxes from around the world. Throughout the game you will be presented with a variety of levels that need to go step by step. The game is also suitable for children, teaching in the form of the game allows you to develop an abstract and logical thinking - this is a very effective way to develop logical thinking in the form of a puzzle game.
FEATURES★ it's free!★ super simple, surprisingly addictive and quick word game for the whole family.★ fun answer★ You can skip answer.★ many hours of fun gameplay ★ frequent application updates!★ for each answer given 20 seconds★ no registration, no complicated rules.
Chaque jour, le top des meilleurs joueurs de changer et vous avez toujours une chance de régler en premier lieu. Rivaliser avec des amis et la famille, avec des amis et connaissances, avec le monde - etmontrer vos résultats à vos réseaux sociaux préférés! Répondez à toutes les questions correctement et devenir №1.Venez au jeu tous les jours et profiter de nouveaux enjeux et réalisations
enjoy !